2014年12月29日 星期一

[MV] Yoonmirae with Tiger JK & Bizzy_ Angel

第一次聽到Tiger JK 是他們跟劉在石合作無限挑戰的高速公路歌謠季,組合成Future Liger的Let's Dance,最近在無限挑戰片尾看到MV,才知道 Yoonmirae跟Tiger JK出新歌了!

[MV]  Yoonmirae(윤미래) with Tiger JK(타이거JK) & Bizzy(비지) _ Angel


2014年12月25日 星期四

[Everybody] Ep4 德國配樂

Revolverheld - Helden 2009 [U21 Europameister]


Dieses Jaaaahr
geht das Fussballwunder weiter.
Wir sind daaaa
und wir werden Europameister.

Es geht wieder los, zieht das Trikot an
wir stehen hinter euch wie der zwölfte Mann
wir wollen den Pokal glauben fest daran
jetzt sind wir und nicht die anderen dran
wir stehen auf und wollen euch kämpfen sehen
egal was kommt wir können alles drehen
der Fussballgott wird uns zur Seite stehen

Dieses Jaaaahr
geht das Fussballwunder weiter.
Wir sind daaaa
und wir werden Europameister.

Na na na na na na - Wir gehen zusammen in die Geschichte ein
Na na na na na na - Lasst uns einmal alle Helden sein

Dieses Jahr steht unterm Fussballstern
das Stadion kocht das Ziel ist nicht mehr fern
ihr schafft das Jungs wie beim Wunder von Bern!

Dieses Jaaaahr
geht das Fussballwunder weiter.
Wir sind daaaa
und wir werden Europameister.

Na na na na na na - Wir gehen zusammen in die Geschichte ein
Na na na na na na - Lasst uns einmal alle Helden sein

Kommentar: Golden Goal

Dieses Jaaaahr
geht das Fussballwunder weiter.
Wir sind daaaa
und wir werden Europameister.

Na na na na na na - Wir gehen zusammen in die Geschichte ein
Na na na na na na - Lasst uns einmal alle Helden sein

Na na na na na na - Wir gehen zusammen in die Geschichte ein
Na na na na na na –Helden 2008!

2014年11月30日 星期日

Bones 識骨尋蹤 S10E6 單字表

Molester 猥褻犯
Pedophile 戀童癖
Guano 鳥糞(or bat)
Obsidian 黑曜石
feud 爭執

We can never accurately predict what results our efforts will generate, but as Tennyson said "I follow up the quest.despite of day and night and death and hell.
---Alfred Tennyson


peri-   + mortem 死前/死當時/死後

asylum 收容所

manicure/pedicure 美甲(手/腳)
atrocity 暴行;惡行

2014年9月25日 星期四

Fairly Legal 法網中間人/律海佳人



IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1586676/

2014年9月7日 星期日

[無限挑戰] 朴明秀的作曲系列

無限挑戰---朴明秀的作曲系列 (무한도전---박명수의 어떤가요)

Ep301---準備篇(1)어떤가요 1편 : 무한도전 301회 http://goo.gl/8pnIv
Ep310---準備篇(2)어떤가요 2편 : 무한도전 310회 http://goo.gl/yVGsx
Ep311---新曲發表會(3)어떤가요 3편 : 무한도전 311회 http://goo.gl/DXrZ6

鄭亨敦---江北小帥哥 / Gangbuk GENTLEMAN / 강북멋쟁이
Haha---Sexy Boy / 섹시보이
劉在石---蚱蜢樂園 / Grasshopper World/ 메뚜기월드



Jeong Hyung-don - Gangbuk GENTLEMAN, 정형돈 - 강북멋쟁이, 박명수의 어떤가요(3) 20130105

HaHa - Sexy Boy, 하하 - 섹시보이, 박명수의 어떤가요(3) 20130105

Yoo Jae-seok - Grasshopper World, 유재석 - 메뚜기월드, 박명수의 어떤가요(3) 20130105

2014年8月31日 星期日

[RM] 하연수 夏沇秀(河妍秀)

RM的鏡頭大家就自己找吧 :D


[몬스타 OST Part 3] 하연수, 강하늘, 김초은 - 아틀란티스 소녀 (Atlantis Girl) MV

[몬스타 OST Part 9] 하연수 練習연습

她也參與過10cm(韓獨立音樂團體)的MV演出(Love Is Falling In Drops)~

사랑이 방울지네 [MV] - 10cm (십센치)

很期待她會再出現在RM或是推出新作品說 :)


2014年8月26日 星期二

[RM] 10cm TVCF歌曲《Americano》

咖啡歌XD [Americano]

10cm 10公分轟動全韓TVCF歌曲《Americano》中文字幕全曲(HD版)

RunningMan ep43

2014年8月17日 星期日

[RM] 養樂多之歌

RM常常聽到的養樂多之歌 XD

야쿠르트 아줌마
야쿠르트 주세요
야쿠르트 없으면
요구르트 주세요

2014年6月25日 星期三

[全能住宅改造王] 物件258-玄関まで40メートルもある家



物件258-2014 玄関まで40メートルもある家 (上)、(下)

2014年6月23日 星期一

[Running Man] Gary

Jung In (정인) & Gary (개리) - 사람냄새 (Your Scent) (Full Audio)

[Music] Sara Bareilles

Love Song

Sara Bareilles - Love Song (Live at the Variety Playhouse)

Sara Bareilles - Brave (歌詞翻譯)

2014年6月22日 星期日

[Running Man] Ep198 BG Music 背景音樂


其中最感興趣的是這首葡萄牙文的Fico Assim Sem Você → (我)沒有了你就成了這樣...

這首歌是由Adriana Calcanhotto(BMG公司)在2004年於推出的~

近年新的翻唱版本 Roberta Tiepo - "Fico Assim Sem Você" OFFICIAL 

2014年6月19日 星期四

[Running Man] CHA Bum Kun

CHA Bum Kun|차범근(車範根)


其子CHA Du Ri (Son of CHA Bum Kum)


[Hymne auf Bum Kun Cha]
Schön ist, Mutter Natur, deiner Erfindung Pracht,
Die den großen Gedanken vermochte, den
Knaben zu träumen, zu denken – und dann auch zu
Bilden mit den schnellen, beseelten, jauchzenden
Füßen des Jünglings: Flink, flitzend,
Flirrend und flackernd – nicht lange fackelnd,
Doch feuernd und feiernd; den fühlenden Herzen
Frankfurts zur Freude.
Bum Kun Cha! Freund aus dem Osten! Fremdling bist
Du nicht länger – nicht bitt’res Los ist Exil
Dir! Heimat, die zweite, du fandst sie.


Vocation Vocation Vocation 假期大PK

英文名稱:Vocation Vocation Vocation

Kirstie Allsopp 科絲蒂

Phil Spencer 菲爾

Kirstie Allsopp and Phil Spencer have travelled around the UK and the world in search of many a property over the years, and now they are turning their expertise to holidays. From the budget and bijou to the grand and glamorous, they uncover every aspect of their stays to give viewers inspiration about how and where to holiday.

The series is packed with destination information and activities to suit all budgets.

Each week Kirstie and Phil visit one destination or tackle one style of holiday. One of them is charged with finding the best value budget break, while the other treats viewers to a peek at lavish luxury, and shows a cheat's guide on how to get it without a banker's bonus.

- 要揮金如土還是省吃儉用? 學習把錢花在刀口上 -

科絲蒂歐薩普和菲爾史班賽有個任務─他們要找出最佳平價版與豪華版的度假地點,告訴觀眾如何變通,花點小錢也能有最佳享受。他們的旅遊行程超過3萬公里,跨越三大洲,共搭乘超過十種交通方具,找出市場上各種價位的最佳假期,在 《假期大PK》中呈獻給觀眾。不管是低價、小康還是奢華路線,兩人評估各種價位的假期選擇,提供度假客實用建議,規劃下次度假的方式與地點。這個共分八集的系列節目將從12月13日起,訂於每週五晚間7點首播, 並於每週六下午4點重播。



跟著科絲蒂歐薩普和菲爾史班賽一同遨遊世界,展開歡樂精彩的探索,找尋最實惠的假期。 不管男女老少,《假期大PK》都有適合你的安排。你喜歡奢華獨享,還是平價自在?不管你的旅遊預算多寡,這個系列絕對能為你下次的假期提供絕佳靈感。
節目簡介 Synopsis
Episode 1 伊比札島 Ibiza

菲爾和科絲蒂來到伊比札島,這個地中海旅遊勝地每年吸引超過兩百萬遊客。這座島最早是嬉皮的樂園,如今則是銳舞族的天下,讓這裡成為世界的夜店之都。菲爾是超級銳舞迷,在這裡有多年度假經驗,當年還是背包客,如今已經是居家男人。但科絲蒂光是想到伊比札島就覺得可怕。 她認定伊比札島消費之所以貴,只是因為大明星來這裡狂歡。科絲蒂遠離熱門景點,探查伊比札島是否適合有預算考量的家庭來此開心度假。她來到東北岸卡拉諾瓦的一處營地,租用營帳每晚不到5英鎊(約7.8美元),小屋則從50英鎊(約78美元)起跳。經過海濱騎馬漫步,還有島上小憩後,科絲蒂開始瞭解伊比札島的魅力。相形之下,菲爾入住島上頂級飯店的私人套房,與超級富豪比鄰而居。他有私人泳池,搭動力船到僻靜的沙灘享受香檳野餐,回到飯店還有精緻的品菜套餐。他們會如何評價這座巴里亞利小島,而小島的時尚名氣是否物有所值?

Episode 2 托斯卡尼 Tuscany

這個義大利鄉間每年吸引超過四百萬遊客,但除了擁擠的濱海度假村,托斯卡尼還有許多鄉間生活有待發掘,而且花費比想像中還便宜!菲爾負責托斯卡尼的平價旅程,他選擇住在鄉間內陸一間名為巴卡內的農莊民宿 。這間民宿由家族經營,是標準的鄉村風格,占地11公頃(11萬平方公尺),有葡萄園、橄欖園和果園。兩人住在農莊,每人每晚住宿收費25英鎊(約39美元)。雖然住宿簡樸,但還有許多附加福利,例如免費借用單車、泳池,晚餐還有使用農莊食材的免費烹飪課。接著科絲蒂帶菲爾到弗羅倫斯體驗托斯卡尼奢華的一面,入住薩維亞提諾飯店,這裡的頂級套房每晚價格高達2千英鎊(約3133美元)。科絲蒂還帶菲爾體驗直昇機酒鄉巡禮,飛越奇安提酒區,從空中欣賞托斯卡尼的山丘。他們最初對裝潢和美景驚豔不已,之後開始思索,這種奢華的旅遊方式是否真的值回票價。本集節目讓媽媽的家常披薩和七道菜的高級品菜套餐對決,哪一種托斯卡尼假期能勝出?雙人組從旅程挑出精彩之處,告訴觀眾如何享受義大利高檔生活精華,又不會花太多錢。

Episode 3 聖摩立次 Moritz

科絲蒂和菲爾進入冬季樂園,來到瑞士聖摩立次這個專屬而且看似昂貴的度假地。聖摩立次的奢華排場和滑雪一樣出名。他們想知道能否用喝啤酒的預算,享受喝香檳的生活方式。 科絲蒂和菲爾決心證明在這個富商名流的雪地遊樂場,用不著花幾千英鎊就能辦到。科絲蒂要安排旺季的平價假期。在海拔8千呎的地方,她找到僻靜的山邊度假村伯格旅館,不用花驚世價格,就能欣賞驚世美景。她在這裡發現不用買昂貴的滑雪通行證或雪橇也能在雪坡玩得開心,然後在一間獨特餐廳享受超值美食-在雪屋裡起司火鍋吃到飽!接著由菲爾一探聖摩立次的五星級假期。對他來說,滑雪假期就是要在山上玩個夠,因此他選擇雪坡旁的一個私人度假村-時髦的坎品斯基大飯店,外加個人滑雪嚮導的雪道教學。他還到山邊玩滑翔翼,10分鐘的飛行要160英鎊(約250美元),這個昂貴的活動是否真的划算? 怎樣花辛苦錢最值得呢?

Episode 4 浪漫之旅(加泰隆尼亞與馬爾地夫)Romance (Catalonia and the Maldives)

本集節目充滿浪漫氣息,科絲蒂和菲爾走訪兩個美妙的浪漫度假地點,兩者價位大異其趣。 不只價位天差地遠,他們選擇的度假地點也南轅北轍。科絲蒂的浪漫假期選在西班牙加泰隆尼亞的山上,但她得量入為出。在這個恬靜的城市,她帶著菲爾來到童話故事般的地點,卡多納飯店,這座城堡改裝的飯店令人印象深刻,價格卻出奇低廉。西班牙有93間這樣的旅館分佈於各地,都是古蹟翻修成別具特色的旅館。他們飽覽庇里牛斯山美景,還以低廉價格到附近的天文台觀星。 菲爾認為浪漫就是到越遠的地方越好,規劃出具有異國情調又奢華的馬爾地夫小島樂園假期。他們來到貴賓獨享的可可島度假村,這裡住一晚要價高達800英鎊(約1250美元),科絲蒂住進傳統的馬爾地夫漁船,菲爾則住進專屬的私人水上海濱小屋。兩人享受了雙人水療,還有日落晚餐。但陽光、海洋和幽靜環境真的值這麼貴嗎? 哪種假期能令他們樂不思蜀,而這兩種假期又該如何實現?

Episode 5 馬拉喀什 Marrakech

本集節目中,科絲蒂和菲爾來到北非摩洛哥的馬拉喀什。從市集的香料到古城風情,馬拉喀什一直是愛冒險的旅行家造訪的異鄉。菲爾曾以背包客方式遊歷摩洛哥,但科絲蒂一直以來對馬拉喀什不感興趣。兩人在這繁忙城市的擾攘中找到寧靜的避風港,但預算截然不同。科絲蒂的平價假期預算每人不到500英鎊(約780美元),她選擇住在傳統的馬拉喀什宅院民宿。這間華麗的宅院民宿「香料」就位於熱鬧喧囂的市集間,客房每人每晚才41英鎊(約64美元),讓科絲蒂有機會探索城市,學習當地烹調。在此同時,菲爾的「錢不是問題」假期選擇了馬慕尼亞飯店,這個極致享受的住宿選擇,曾被已故英國首相邱吉爾形容為「全世界最美妙的地方」。 馬慕尼亞飯店前身為宮殿,富麗堂皇,讓菲爾在舒適豪華的環境中,欣賞亞特拉斯山令人屏息的美景。 哪一種假期更能讓人體驗道地的摩洛哥風情?

Episode 6 城市假期 City Breaks


Episode 7 戶外假期 Outdoors

活動取向的假期方興未艾,越來越多旅行者度假時除了躺著曬太陽,還希望有更多安排。科絲蒂和菲爾要到戶外展開冒險。菲爾帶頭到摩洛哥的亞特拉斯山進行充滿刺激活動的平價假期。 他們住在馬慕契卡旅館,然後到溪邊嘗試激流輪胎漂,還有騎駱駝和四輪摩托車。接著科絲蒂帶隊到冰島的雷克雅維克,入住豪華的潤嘉飯店,帶菲爾乘雪地摩托車穿越壯闊大地,然後實現菲爾畢生的夢想─欣賞北極光。

Episode 8 海上假期 Boating


2014年5月22日 星期四

LeeSSang-Tears (Feat. Eugene of THE SEEYA) MV

剛好在RM集末聽到這首歌,覺得很喜歡,憑著很破的韓文程度,把音拼出來google :D


LeeSSang(리쌍) _ Tears(눈물) (Lip Ver.) (Feat. Eugene(유진) of THE SEEYA) MV

除了Lip Ver.以外,也有有劇情的版本,已經有強者網友翻譯並配上中韓對照歌詞 :D


[Running Man] 歷代最強者戰集數


20110508 Ep 42

20111225 Ep 74

20130127 Ep130

2014年5月17日 星期六

Cooks to Market 平民小食大商機

英文名稱:Cooks to Market
主持人:Gizzi Erskine (Link)

About the Show

Cooks to Market gives amateur cooks the chance to turn their homemade food products into a life changing business. Following in the footsteps of companies like Innocent Smoothies and Ben and Jerry’s, which both started life on a market stall, the show will help turn a culinary passion into a successful business venture. Each episode will feature two pairs of cooks who will go head to head, working against the clock as they try to sell their products and make the highest profit. The pair who succeeds will then be given the opportunity to pitch their products in front of a line-up of industry of buyers.

A culinary competition that gives amateur cooks and bakers a unique opportunity to create home-made food on a commercial scale and turn them into life-changing business opportunities.


Gizzi Erskine's New Show 'Cooks to Market'

The Holiday Show 環遊世界自由行

英文名稱:The Holiday Show



美國 USA
Steamboat | A Colorado Ski Resort for Families

Del's Triangle 3 Ranch « Steamboat Horses

阿布達比 Abu dhabi
Marina Hotel


瑞士 Switzerland
The official website of Villars-Gryon (en)
Snow-shoe tour

Whitepod Eco-Luxury Hotel Valais Suisse

2014年5月13日 星期二

[Running man] Ep195 MC劉的引體向上挑戰

Ep195 我是MC劉-2014偶像體育大會


유재석이 ‘국민 MC’다운 투지로 턱걸이 미션에 성공했다.


2014年5月4日 星期日

A Bryk at a time 型媽裝修新時式

Image: http://www.thehomechannel.co.za/shows/decor/a-bryk-at-a-time/
播放頻道:Li時尚生活HD頻道 (Life Inspired)
主持人: Danielle Bryk

About this show:

Danielle Bryk's got three kids, a booming business and a husband who travels, but still this take-charge contractor is saving homes and families one brick at a time. A master renovator, her passion for tackling tough projects knows no bounds, and her next few projects are going to test those boundaries. Her clients are desperate to fix their broken homes, and it will take Danielle's no-nonsense, hands-on approach to get these projects done on time and on budget.


Danielle Nicholas Bryk is a self made Renaissance woman. Blessed with an incredible sense of style and a keen intelligence, she is equally comfortable in the domestic realm and on the construction site and has transformed numerous homes while navigating the minefield that is the modern family. This wife and mother of three children is a Dean's List Honour Graduate from Queen's University with a degree in English Literature and Art History. She furthered her schooling while studying design at the Parsons New School in N.Y.C. She has the ability to create beautiful spaces on a limited budget, making use of common sense, an aptitude with tools, and a boundless creativity. After having her house featured as one of 2012's best homes in House and Home magazine and completing her first television show Family Under Construction for the DIY Network, Danielle is thrilled to launch a new show, A Bryk At A Time on DIY/HGTV US and Bryk House on HGTV Canada. The show follows the launch of her design and project managing company, The Bryk House. As Danielle tackles the challenges of starting a business, guiding clients through their renovations and finding time for her family at home, she always manages to find some magic in the chaos.


Episode 1 Calling Card (Mary’s Bathroom)
Danielle’s first project as a designer, an updated bathroom for a family of five, is not without its problems. Danielle must battle through delays in materials, ill-fitting products and an irregular layout of an old house. But no matter what, this bathroom renovation has to be absolutely amazing, since it will become her calling card to entice prospective clients. She must also adjust to life as a working mom, which she finds especially tough since her husband Greg is heading out of town for work. She has no idea how she will do it all on time, and on budget, while holding down the fort at home.

Episode 2 A Family Affair (Sammy’s Main Floor)
A contractor has recently taken advantage of Sammy, a mentor and father figure to Danielle’s family, taking his money and leaving his main floor a construction zone. With her husband Greg still out of town, Danielle rallies the troops together to make this a true family affair. She enlists the help of her brother, her children, and calls in favors left-and-right in order to stretch what remains of Sammy’s budget. 

Episode 3 Down To The Wire (Annie’s Basement)
Danielle’s first project through a referral is a real doozy. At her consultation with Annie, the homeowner, Danielle finds out that she has one month to do a huge basement project. The family needs this space to become a playroom, a bathroom, and a nanny suite! New walls will need to be constructed, and the bathroom needs to be built-up from scratch, with floor to ceiling tiles and new fixtures. Not only does Danielle think she’s taken on too much for one person to handle, the deadline is set in stone, because at the end of the month the family is moving in! Luckily, her husband Greg has come home from working out-of-town. He finds that Danielle has overrun the house with product samples, drawings, and client meetings. Not accustomed to how Danielle’s new business affects their home life, he realizes that he will need to adjust.

Episode 4 Sibling Overhaul (Terry’s Backyard)
Danielle’s sister Terry is about to ask her for a big favor: after 10 years of owning a rental home, and with all the wear and tear that comes with that, Terry wants to renovate and sell it. They want to start with the backyard first and it will be a complete overhaul – replacing the deck, fencing, plants, trees, new aluminum siding and redoing the stonework. One of the biggest challenges facing Danielle is having her older sister as a client. Will they be able realize that they are now both grown adults or revert back to old childhood squabbles? Danielle is also approached by her son Dempsey, who needs extra money for a new bike. Instead of just giving him the money, Danielle suggests that he can come to Terry’s with her, and earn the money he needs from a few days of hard work.

Episode 5 Nothing Is Beneath Her (Ingrid’s Basement)
Ingrid’s basement is Danielle’s first major renovation that involves serious construction and structural work. Plus, she’ll be wearing two hats, as both designer and project manager. She’s also excited because it’s her first project with a healthy budget – she thinks. Ingrid wants a multi-functional basement with a washroom, guest room, and media area, but digging down a few feet, underpinning, installing radiant floor heating, and pouring new concrete floor quickly eat up the budget. In order for Ingrid to get everything she wants, Danielle needs to convince her to raise her budget. Danielle’s youngest daughter Ella’s birthday is also coming up, and with the size of this project being what it is, Danielle has to ask her husband Greg to spearhead the birthday celebrations this year. This will be the first time she has relinquished this role in 16 years. Danielle learns to let go and trust Greg to plan this special activity, because Ingrid’s basement needs to be completed and fully dressed before her daughter’s big day.

Episode 6 Spare No Expense (Jenny’s Front Yard)
Danielle has a big project ahead of her when she’s approached by Jenny to do a massive overhaul on a house’s original facade. This is an important job because Jenny is a brand new client, and Danielle’s neighbor! With a healthy budget, Danielle thinks this will be easy to pull off, but instead she finds herself battling the nasty weather, material delays and testy workers. At the Bryk home, Greg is left in charge of the household while Danielle is away and realizes he can’t do it all himself.

Episode 7 The Taste Of Luxury (Ingrid’s Kitchen)
To her delight, Danielle has her first repeat customer after less than a year in business. After completely transforming her basement, Ingrid is eager to have Danielle completely gut her kitchen and make it more conducive to her family’s lifestyle. Everything is on track, until the budget is completely derailed by Ingrid’s champagne tastes. Will Danielle be able to reel her in?

Episode 8 Absentee Reno (Justin’s Bathroom And Loft Bedroom)
Danielle’s newest client, Justin, has been trying to renovate his bathroom and a loft bedroom for the past ten years. When his girlfriend is out of town, Justin decides this is the perfect moment to renovate and surprise his girlfriend! Danielle loves a good surprise, but is left blindsided when she has to make design choices for someone she’s never met. Will this be a happy ending?

Episode 9 : An Additional Request (Mark & Darlene’s Kitchen Episode)
Danielle’s first cold call clients, Darlene and Mark, want a complete kitchen and dining room overhaul…but in the middle of renovations they decide to take it to the next level and add an entire extension to the back of the house. Danielle scrambles at the last minute to make sure the design is modern, stylish and fully functional. At home, things get chaotic and Greg has to take the reigns when the family misses the deadline for their son Billy’s high school application.

Episode 10 Two Big Wishes (Naela’s Kitchen Episode)
Danielle’s schoolyard friend and latest client, Naela, needs a renovation revamp when the layout of her ten-year-old house doesn’t work with her family of six. Along with moving the stairs, installing a bi-folding door, budgetary constrains and an HVAC scare, Danielle creatively comes up with a plan that could solve all Naela’s layout issues. Meanwhile, despite Greg’s best efforts, Danielle has to intervene with some construction know-how when their daughter needs help with a high school project.

Episode 11 One Room Two Ways (Val & Ben’s Nursery Episode)
Danielle is facing her craziest deadline yet. Her clients, Val and Ben, are expecting their first baby in a month and need a reno before the baby arrives. Danielle has just weeks to turn the master bedroom into a custom nursery and convert the third floor loft into a lavish new bedroom, but design challenges are impeding her tight timeline. At home, Danielle’s daughter Ella has her own ideas when it comes to redesigning her own bedroom.

Episode 12 Stuck In The Middle (Sean & Katherine’s Bathroom Episode)
Danielle’s latest project proves that nothing is ever as easy as it seems. During a simple bathtub remodeling, Danielle realizes the entire bathroom needs a major structural overhaul. To make matters worse her clients, Sean and Catherine, can’t seem to agree on any design elements. How will this reno ever get done? Back at the Bryk’s, Danielle’s son gets creative when he decides to start his own business.

Episode 13 Wedding Woes (Roger And Lisa’s Kitchen)
Danielle is delighted when she has the opportunity to redesign the kitchen, dining room and powder room in the home of her neighbours, Roger and Lisa. The renovation would be a snap except that Lisa reveals that she’s already sent out invitations to their daughter’s wedding shower that will be held at the house…in only six weeks. Danielle feels the pressure to pull everything together in record time. At the Bryk house, Danielle is deeply conflicted about the dangers of letting her son start sparring in the ring.

Episode 14 No Fun And Games (Will And Hailey’s Kids Playroom)
Danielle loves fun projects so when Will and Hailey ask her to create a playroom for their two daughters, she can’t wait to start. The only problem is, their budget is pretty tiny and their expectations are pretty big. Danielle knows she can’t afford to run into any of the issues she usually encounters in older homes…she just can’t afford it. Is Danielle going to be able to turn this old sunroom into a child’s dream space without going over budget?

2014年5月3日 星期六

[Running Man] Takji 畫片


規則上則相當類似,基本上就是被打翻過來的畫片就輸了,節目裡因為先攻/後攻的差別(不確定實際韓國玩法,但民俗遊戲各區都會有小差異),有時候會發生沒有攻擊機會就輸掉的慘劇。(可以參考ep110, ep113, ep131,話說在石終於在ep144贏回畫片王寶座!)


RM 113有很多製作畫片的畫面,大家可以參考,鐘國用的就比較接近3等份的方法,另一組因為使用紙盒製作畫片,所以是直接把紙板剪成(c)的形狀,再疊在一起組合(因為厚度不好彎折),其實作法很自由
Image: http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/딱지_(장난감)

Origami---How to fold ttakji/ddakji/takji?

2014年5月2日 星期五

[Running Man] 哈哈 v.s. 娃娃

哈哈在RM前期(金鐘國和孩子們組合較頻繁的時候)常常帶著娃娃出現,有時候是Rocker Otto,有時候是貓咪Sandwich,大家可以在Blabla官網找到這些娃娃(好像X寶也開始有賣?)

Otto the Rocker


Sandwich the Cat

這些娃娃除了12英吋(等於1英呎,約30.48公分高)、18英吋的標準大小(部分造型有22英吋版),貓咪Sandwich還有出超大版---高達3英呎(約91.44公分高)的Giant Sandwich,根據官方目錄,這些編織娃娃們都是100%棉,在祕魯(Peru)以手工編製,看小孩合影的照片,Giant Sandwich大概和一個小小孩差不多大!要價也不便宜,定價為180美金(約5,400新台幣)



Further Link:

[Running Man] Running Man v.s. 童軍

在第36集中段,Running Man加上嘉賓都換上了韓國幼童軍制服,雖然有特別載明不是正確的穿法(像是紮衣服、還有領巾綁法不是太正確),但使用童軍這個主題還是挺有趣的!

韓國幼童軍(Cub Scout)的制服原本樣貌如下:
Korea Cub Scout Uniform
